The Project GLAD® Training Model consists of progressive building blocks that will introduce you to the model, demonstrate it in action at your school and reinforce and implement strategies into your teaching plans.
Introduces participants to the theoretical and research base of the model and provides the opportunity to dialogue and learn with other professionals in the field about the research that supports the model and its development, planning support, connecting with the Common Core State Standards, an introduction to Project GLAD®: units, and exposure to about thirty effective teaching strategies. It covers the work of educators across the disciplines: reading, writing, brain compatible teaching, language acquisition, cross-cultural respect, primary language and coaching. Research is directly tied to specific implications, strategies and organization.
A unique opportunity for teachers to observe students in a classroom utilizing the strategies with a Project GLAD® trainer. The participants will be supported by a Project GLAD® coach who will facilitate a deeper understanding of the strategies, their variations, and engage participants in meaningful conversations around the model. During the afternoons of the demonstration, participants will be able to start planning and preparing materials to use in their classroom to effectively support application and implementation. Seeing successful strategies with students is the most effective method of promoting change.
Coaching for teachers desire individualized and grade-level team support around Project GLAD® strategies. Working 1:1 we reinforce strategies, help implement into teaching plans and answer questions. We encourage collaboration, support, modeling of strategies, reflection and goal setting. Follow-up coaching might include classroom modeling, co-teaching, planning sessions and time to create standards-based lessons and prepare strategies